In search of traditional knowledge! Giuseppe Biagini founder of the International Traditional Knowledge Institute (ITKI) United States, visits Paducah to share "Days of Bread" and perspective on Paducah's creative culture.
A way of connecting people
Everyday Rarity, from the January/February 2019 edition of Paducah Life Magazine, gives a peek into the purpose of Biagini's Paducah tour and his passion for creative and traditional knowledge.
"Traditional knowledge is a way of connecting people. People take for granted the kinds of things I want to promote. What I do is see these things with fresh eyes and new perspective, and the [International Traditional Knowledge] Institute communicates to the rest of the world the practice of this uniqueness."
Biagini lives part-time in two of Paducah's fellow UNESCO Creative Cities, Carrara, Italy (Crafts & Folk Art) and Tucson, USA (Gastronomy). These connections first led him to Paducah for the 2017 UNESCO Creative Cities of Crafts & Folk Art Annual Meeting, and potential for further collaboration on storytelling initiatives, including Days of Bread 2.0, prompted his return in November 2018.