Discover Western Kentucky’s pivotal role in the War Between the States through special Civil War exhibits and events this fall.

From the Pieces of a Nation at The National Quilt Museum, thru October 8, features thirty handmade Civil War era quilts created during a time when quilting provided comfort. These quilts tell stories of human struggle through the diverse perspectives of quilters across the nation. During the Super City Quilt City Connection, September 14, Judy Schwender, Museum Curator/Registrar will guide a tour of the exhibit at 3:30 PM. For more information,

A Living History at the Lloyd Tilghman House & Civil War Museum, September 27-28, brings Civil War historical figures to life. Meet Gen. Lloyd Tilghman, Gen. U.S. Grant, Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest and others who played pivotal roles in Paducah and Western Kentucky’s proud Civil War heritage. To reserve your time, call 270.575.5477.

River City Ghost Tours at Oak Grove Cemetery, October 17-19, chronicle tales of triumph and tragedy including the North and South facing off during the Battle of Paducah. Visit the Confederate soldiers’ section of Oak Grove and a large monument that marks the final resting place of Black Union troops with Market House Theatre guides. For more information,

Kentucky’s Civil War Heritage Trail System features heritage sites and attractions throughout the Commonwealth that demonstrate the impact of the war.

For more information about Paducah, Kentucky including event information and trip planning resources, visit